Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dunnell Wall complete

I would like to say that RISD's 1st RAW wall which was done by a student who gave us a proposal and a wall on campus he wanted to paint is done on time an under budget. RAW would like to thanx CSI and Facilities for allowing this to happen. You all can see how positive this can be for student live on campus. We will be hosting a public crit in the next 2 weeks, which will include a formal blessing from a faculty who has been studying Roger Williams.
RAW staff

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New wall approved: Dunnell retaining wall

The wall which is a retaining wall for Dunnell House, is the 1st wall location submitted by a student with a sketch. Which is very exciting as this is what our club is all about, and after 1 month of discussion with the school RAW has got the permission to move forward, which includes free paint for the student, and a mentor to help design and install this unique project. Keep posted, as we will have a crit when this wall is done and are very interested in student and faculty feedback.

Friday, September 16, 2011

New R.A.W wall installed today

This wall was just completed for 2nd time, and is better then ever. Spent the entire day talking to students and faculty about Risd Art Walls, I'm planning an open crit which will be in about a week to open the discussion of public art on campus and what people think good and bad.

This wall is located next to the Foundry on campus, come take a look.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Welcome all new students: the Block Party was a success

to the RISD community,
The block party was a success, RAW set up a live painting station were we had 3 panels for students to paint on. During this time we signed up over 80 interested students and emptied over 100 cans of Montana Gold cans of paint. We also had a special guest a local writer who came and Blasted out a original panel for all to see.

Check out the finished panel which will be hung on campus in the near future. Their will be a code next to the panel and a email. the first 5 to send the correct code to the email will get a prize.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

RISD student vandalism: what do you think!

To the community,
This is a prime example of student vandalism, from looking around and talking to people a student took it upon themselves to vandalize this public painting, with no regards to the artist who spent many hours creating this piece of art for people to enjoy.
Give me your feed back, what do you think of this students actions.
** As part of RAW's club mission the club will work with the artist to fix all walls at no cost to the school.

New work on Campus:

This is a pic of the wall before RAW took over, very dull and not inspiring.

To start this wall was rolled in a 2 color fade, to create a base

This is the wall half way through, the artist is working on outline of the lettering.

New Walls painted on campus

This is the wall as it has been for many years, dull and white. check out the next pics to see how RAW is turning dull walls into inspiring locations for students to be creative.

Stage 1 this artist is a member in RAW he is a sophmore, he is working from a very small sketch and does an outline to lay out the concept before he starts the many layers of color to create this piece of ART.

Finished work, go check this out and give us some feedback.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

new guest artist for RAW walls

I have just been in contact with a new guest artist who wants do a custom installation on campus on a R.A.W, I'm working to find a good spot for this work to happen, and looking for students who would like to help make this happen.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

examples from other property in RI

I thought it would be good to show some examples of a set of walls in Providence RI. The wall is 240 feet long and during the warm months get painted and change every week, almost every continant in the world has been represent in the 2 years the walls have been open to the public, and the work has attracted interest from the city, and gained respect from the local artist on a street level.
The work I'm trying to do with RISD is to create a simular experience with a strict set of rules and guide lines, RISD is an amazing place in the world but what is amazing to see is the lack of public art, yet their is a waiting list over a year long for every gallery space on campus.

Moving forward 1 step at a time:

to the community:
After a long year of working with OSL to work on setting up a board and review panel to accept a contract and set of rules to work with, I have learned a lot and am working on version 2. This year has been a great learning experiance for everyone, at this point RAW has permission for 2 walls on campus and are hoping to get these done this spring. I was hoping to get many more walls done this year but am happy that the school has jumped off and is starting down this long road of working together to create a positive and active public art policy on campus.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Panel done by a freshman David, the pics shows the process of this very talented artist as you can see no tape or stencils here and armed with only a spray can and a small sketch he created this amazing piece of art. The panel will be hung on campus in the near future for all to see in person.

New work summited for upper quad: I will keep you posted if it's approved

Thursday, January 6, 2011

work approved for RAW walls

our first wall has been approved, work to be done by a freshman look for it on campus should be done by spring.

new sketch for RAW wall

new sketch for a possible wall on campus or in the city. tell me what you all think